Top 5 Bass Player Rules
Lathon Bass Wear's Top five rules for our global family
#1 Play for the love, not the money
We all know money is a fine thing, but it can not buy happiness. A good bass player? Yep, that brings happiness to the masses, and to yourself. Always have a bassist's basic, fundamental reason for playing: Pure Bass Bliss!
#2 Respect your band mates

Band members know that practices and getting the group in sync can be tedious at times. We also know that the bass brings all of the music together. There is no reason to be reminded daily that we are the incredibly important staple to all music... we already know.
We all get stressed, especially these days. Let's all give each other the respect we deserve and keep our minds in the beautiful music that brings the world joy.
#3 Be on time & Know the songs
Don't be that guy, the one who shows up thinking they can catch up on the fly. Put in your time. Command the instrument & play the way these songs were meant to be heard. Practice, practice, practice, with & without the rest of the band. When you know your notes, there is nothing that can bump your confidence. Show up on time, let everyone know you are 100% ready, so everyone can be their best. Positive vibes bring positive vibes!
# 4 Take care of your equipment
Tune your strings, polish the wood, get to know every inch of that baby like you love it, and your instrument will sing for you. The last thing you want to be dealing with is a faulty wire or smoking amp when you could be playing! Keep on your equipment, and that goes for your bass clothing too! Get yourself a new bass shirt & look fantastic.
#5 Play with Passion
You wouldn't be here if you didn't already know that one. Have a wonderful jam & let that music take you away. Look Good! Play Good! Let the world know you're a bass Player!
God Bless- Lathon Bass Wear